Our Services
We are by your side from the start of your project to its completion, providing services at every step along the way. With versatility and dependability, we get to know you and your needs so we can deliver the best possible solution for the greatest value.
Land Services
Our team of experienced land professionals can assist our clients with:
Renewable energy leasing and site origination
Battery storage leasing and site origination
Surface site acquisition
Oil and gas leasing and mineral purchasing
Midstream and utility right of way acquisition
Client-tailored GIS and CRM portal services
Title Services
We offer a wide array of title services to meet client needs:
Patent to present surface, mineral, and certified abstracts
Meticulously researched
Comprehensive accounting of property ownership
Accurate property description(s)
Due diligence and curative support
Administrative Support
Our administrative support team performs cradle-to-grave administrative functions including:
Landowner support
Document review and preparation
File and record assembly and maintenance
General organizational and administrative support
Project Management
Our project managers are the driving force behind the success of our clients’ projects. Our team of experienced professionals excel at project planning and oversight, keeping cost efficiency, client interests, and desired timing at the forefront.
Empower your project's success
Partner with us today